If you want to write an article that will be published on this website and help people out there, you are more than welcome. I love to have different point of views and tips about jobs, interviews and job hunting.
If you want to submit your article, just make sure that it fits one of the categories listed in the website.
If it does, simply go to the contact page and send it! 🙂
Is there a minimum of words?
Quality matters more than quantity. No strict requirements, 1000 words would be great but 300 is fine too.
Do I have to be native in english?
No, I am not a native english speaker either. But if there are many spelling mistakes, I might correct the article without changing its message!
Can I add links to my website into the article?
Yes you can, as long as the article is high quality and the link is related to the content. Kindly contact me before submitting the article, including a link to the website you would like to link to.