What better reason could you have to try harder at work than building your own career?
Aristotle once said, “Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.”
This article encourages you to uncover why you are not putting forth your best effort at your job. Why have you lost the perfection in your work?
Think about another old adage: “Anything worth doing is worth doing right.” If you don’t really buy into this line of thinking, increasing your work effort is irrelevant.
These two quotations sound terribly similar to your mother when you were avoiding schoolwork or chores in childhood. Your place of employment is where you have to spend a lot of time out of every week. How do you currently spend working hours?
When you have answered this question, you are ready to engage in more self-evaluation. What new ways can you find to enjoy your job, to reconnect to the pleasure that attracted you to that line of work in the beginning? When you rediscover the pleasant aspects of your job, the results will speak volumes to whoever is listening. And, you might just go home after work feeling more satisfied. You might find yourself looking forward to work the next day.
After you’ve evaluated your work situation and identified opportunities for enjoying work again, there are two more ways to step up to your best effort. First, you need a plan for where you want this renewed effort to take you. Are you trying to become better at your job or are you trying to advance in your career? What you will do with this insight with respect to increasing your work effort will differ greatly.
Second, what other things can you focus on to put the spark back in your eyes at work? Some people look for distractions like music or getting lost in thought, and others look for ways to become more connected to their environment through conversing with colleagues. The job is an interesting place where we work out a lot of our own inner issues because we are away from our family and focusing on our own self and our respective duties.
The clarity that you find at work about what you do and where that will take you in the future can compel you to step up your effort without troubling yourself. Step up your work effort to benefit yourself and your everyday happiness. Who knows who might be watching?
Just some thoughts I had today and wanted to share.
Maybe, they will help you out 🙂