Looking for a job is a job in itself. In today’s economy the job market is very competitive. Here are a few tips on how to stand out to employers that may help you land that job you’ve been after.
First off you need a well written , eye catching resume. Download a template and add some color. Make it stand out among the other resume’s the employer has to dig through. Make a well written, but simple resume’. Employers don’t want to spend more than 5 minutes on a resume when they have a whole stack to go through. Also personalize each resume to the job you are applying to. List your skills, past jobs and such specifically for the job you are applying to.
When you go for an interview you have to make a good first impression. This is why dressing professionally is so important. Every little detail is important, from the shoes you are wearing, to how well your hair is done. Employers are looking for someone who are professional and serious about their job. And dressing well says “I’m serious about this job” before you even say hello.
After applying for a job call and visit the place where you applied to check up on your application. Knowing that you are serious about the job, employers are more likely to remember you as they go through all the applications. And if you check in on your application in person they can put a face with the name. Not only does it help you in getting a job, but it also helps the employers decide whom they are going to hire.
So to help your chances in landing that job you want take these hints with you: have a well written , eye catching resume, add some color to it. When going for an interview make a good first impression by dressing professionally from head to toe. And while waiting to hear from employers about your application, send them a call or visit them in person. Don’t be just a name on a piece of paper, be a voice, or better yet, a face among the hundreds of papers.
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